Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"This girl..."

...she bent reality around her like a lens bending light, she pleated it into so many flickering layers that you could never tell which one you were looking at, the longer you stared the dizzier you got."

                                               Tana French, The Likeness, p. 386

"...the most important thing about these four: just how close they were. The phone videos hadn't been able to catch the power of it.... It was like a shimmer in the air between them, like glittering web-fine threads tossed back and forth and in and out until every movement or word reverberated through the whole group: Rafe passing Abby her smokes almost before she glanced around for them, Daniel turning with this hands out ready to take the steak dish in the same second that Justin brought it through the door, sentences flicked onto each other like playing cards with never a fraction of a pause. Rob and I used to be like that: seamless."

                                                Ibid, p. 112

"The house had the effortlessly off-kilter feel of something out of a storybook - I kept expecting to fall down a secret staircase, or come out of a room into a completely new corridor that only existed on alternate Mondays. I worked fast: I couldn't make myself slow down, couldn't shake the feeling that somewhere in the attic a huge clock was counting down, great handfuls of seconds tumbling away."

                                                   Ibid, p. 127